torsdag, oktober 26, 2006

Ordinary day.

This has been a day without the big events. I was at the library from 11 am until 9 pm. Good day of studying. Exam stress has begun. Thought I had until next friday (7 days) to finish my essay, turns out it has to be delivered on Wednesday instead. :( Not too happy about that but I talked to some people today and they hadn't written more than me.

The first Winter storm has arrived. Windy and raining hard outside. Cosy and warm inside. Everything is back to normal. :) I am looking foreward to Christmas and vacation.

Tomorrow will be much like today was.

mandag, oktober 23, 2006

Aquariums, cabintrip and failed studying.

Thats about what I have been doing. I FINALLY got my BIG aquarium. 2500 kr I had to pay for a 530 liter aquarium. Used and probably quite old but cheap and I love it!!

Ole has promised to build me a table for it. He didn't like the aluminium finish on the frame. Looking foreward to that. :) This will be my main focus the next few months I think. Alot of work. When I was filling the aquarium up for the first time I was seriously afraid that it would not hold. I used hours! But it was ok and now all the fish are in there and doing fine. They are even making babies. :)

After setting up the aquarium I had a babysitting deal with my mother. Ole got the good idea of taking my little brothers to the mountain and so we did. Two brothers, me and Ole sett off on Friday and everything went fine until we came to a crash site. We were the third car there. Ole ran up but there was not much he could do. It took two hours before the helicopter could leave with the man in the car. After driving the rest of the way to the cabin we had to eat some dinner. We were not in bed until 3 am!
Saturday was sleeping, bathing and eating. Typical day at our cabin. :) Then we played games and went to bed. Nothing much ever happens up there.

The trip home went well and now we are back to studying and thinking about aquariums.
That was a short and not very well formulated account of what I have been doing the last weeks.

tirsdag, oktober 10, 2006

Det var den seilingen da.... For english version scroll to bottom of the page.

Var å prøvde å seile regatta i helgen. Tror dere det gikk bra eller....

Det gjorde ikke det nei.... Hendelsesforløpet var som følger.....

Starten gikk fint. Vi lå nesten på startlinjen da starten ble blåst og satte avgårde i en "kjempe" fart... Men så skjer det... Det som nesten ødela hele helgen... De blåste til omstart og generell tilbakekalling av all båtene. Dette fikk vi forsåvidt med oss, men i forvirringen eller apatien, eller hva en nå vil kalle det, så ser vi rundt oss og finnet at det er jo 15 båter som har startet. De setter avgårde i litt forskjellige retninger, men de har ikke snudd... Så begynner de å snu... Alle untall 7. Oss pluss 6 til fortsetter. Været er fælt, tykk tåke skjuler hva som er frem og tilbake og kart, GPS og kompass blir konsultert for å finne riktig retning. Tror vi var på vei tilbake der en stund. Vi kaller opp på VHF for å høre om det virkelig ER omstart og om vi skal komme inn igjen. Av ukjente grunner er det ingen som svarer selv om det sto i seilingsbestemmelsene at de skal lytte på to kanaler under seilasen. Vi er IKKE happy på regattastyret. Vi trår til og fortsetter allikevel. Selv om vi innerst inne vet vi sikkert er disket.

Etter en veldig våt seilas med mye vindforandringer, litt tåke og MASSE regn kommer vi i mål. Ikke sist, men ikke veldig godt plassert heller. Futten har gått helt ut av oss.. Vi ble disket.....

Det vil si... Vi kjørte fra Oslo kl. 6 om morgenen, hjemmom i Bergen og så hele veien til Fusa. Det er over 60 mil! Vi flyttet så båten hele veien fra Fusa til Stord. Noe som tok ca. 6 timer. På søndagen måtte vi flytte båten hele veien tilbake igjen... (det var fint vær på søndag) Og alt dette.... for å bli disket....

Vi var nesten enige om at det hadde vært en OK helg....


Tried to sail a regatta this weekend. Do you think it went well...?

It didn't...

This is what happened.... When the start signal was fired we were well off.. We were placed almost on top of the line as we started and set off in a hurry... And then it happens.... The thing that almost ruined the whole weekend.... they signaled for a restart and recall off all boats... We kind of got this message but we were not completely sure and since 14 other boats also kept going we figured.... Let us keep going too... all the boats set off in different directions, but the didn't turn back... at first... Some started turning back, but 7 of us continued. The weather was terrible. Thick fog hid land in all directions and maps, GPS and compasses were consulted to try and find out what was where. I even think we were on our way back to start there a while. We try and call the committee up in the VHF radio to see if it was REALLY a restart and to hear if we were to come back. For unknown reasons no one answered even though it was written in the info we had that they were to listen to two stations while the race was underway. We are not very happy with the people in charge at this point but we decide to keep going after all.. Even though we really do know that we are disqualified.

After a 3 hour long, very wet, foggy race we crossed the finish line. We were not last, but we had not done terribly well. hard to keep motivation up when you know your not going to get on the list.

The weekend was pretty much a waste because of this. Me and Ole had started off from Oslo early friday morning at 6 am to get to Bergen and to the boat at Fusa. This is over 60 norwegian mil. We then had to move the boat from Fusa to Stord. This took us about 6 hours on top of the 8 or 9 hour drive. On top of this we had to move the boat back to Fusa on sunday... And all this just to be disqualified... ? No fun....

Lets hope we do better next time. ..

tirsdag, oktober 03, 2006

First post with Norwegian and English version.

Ja, det var det da... Denne uken er jeg i Oslo. Det regner her også....

Sitter i skrivende stund på Oppegård bibliotek. Koselig nok her. Stille, rolig, gode stoler og ikke altfor langt fra en dagligvareforretning med ferskvaredisk. Det er andre dagen min her nå.

Prøver å jobbe med oppgaven min om Realismen innen amerikansk litteratur. Det er ikke fryktelig spennende, men det var den oppgaven som passet meg best. Regner mer å bruke Huckleberry Finn og Daisy Miller som eksempel tekster. Dessuten må jeg jo lese alt pensumet som kommer neste uke og forsøke holde meg oppdatert og kanskje også forran skjema for en gangs skyld. :) Det er lov å håpe.

Tema for dagen er minority writers og svartes rettigheter på tidlig 19 hundre tall. Booker T. Washington og De Boise er to av de som står på pensumet og som om jeg har stavet meg gjennom. Ikke sikker på hvem jeg er enig i eller støtter. Problemstillingen er kanskje ikke så langt borte selv i dag, men det er ikke en jeg har brukt veldig mye energi på å sette meg inn i. Det er vel noe vi alle kunne ha godt av innimellom, men... Det var tiltaket og interessen da..

Vi får vel alle gjøre så godt vi kan og prøve å se lenger enn nesetippen innimellom. Lykke til ...

Leseplassen kaller. Vi snakkes...

Once again here we are.... I am in Oslo this weekend. It is raining here too.....

I am at Oppegård library atm. Nice enough place. Quiet, calm and the chairs are nice. Not too far from a store with ready made food either.

My second day here, so far. I am trying to work on my paper on American realism in Literature. Not terribly interesting but it was the assignment that suited me best. I think I will use Huckleberry Finn and Daisy Miller as my main texts. On top of writing the essay I have to keep up to date on the rest of the curriculum (spelling anyone?). I will also try to actually get a bit ahead of it for once. :) We can always hope.

Subject for the day is minority writers and black's rights movement in late 20th cent. Booker T. Washington and De Boise are two of the writers I have been reading today. I am not sure which one of them I support or agree with. The problem of minorities is not very far away even today but it is not one I use a lot of time considering. I guess we could all do more...

We just have to try our best... Good luck....

May chair is calling me. I will talk to you all soon.